The Council
Based on close observation of the workings of city councils around the nation “The Council” toys with the inherent minutia of small town politics and the strange personalities drawn to these offices as well as the genuinely earnest practice of government at its most fundamental level. The Council discovers that the individual voice can still be heard, but you may want to pay close attention to who is listening and what their motivations are.
3M 4F. 60min. One location. Comedy.
“These crazed and rambunctious proceedings (cleverly written by Brad
Cupples and directed by Daryl Harris) show the public servants of
Chalmerston to be quite a dysfunctional group.”
“The show is filled with slapstick, malapropisms, political satire and
great comic detail. There’s even a message that tries to shout through
the inspired mayhem.”
-Joseph McDonough, Cincinnatti Enquirer